Saturday, October 31, 2009

Spiritual Reflections on Barney

You know you’re a theologically-trained parent of a toddler when you start to reflect on the spiritual implications of “Barney.” 


Yes, I’m talking about the purple dinosaur.  Barney is a pretty popular entity in our house.  I’m beginning to suspect that the relational priorities in our son Davey Will’s life are as follows:

1) Mommy

2)  Barney

3) Daddy


I’m OK with that, though.  It’s when the three come together in the living room all at the same time that Davey Will seems the happiest.


So, anyway, it seems like I’m seeing a lot of this purple dinosaur lately.  And being inclined toward theological reflection, I just can’t help but think…


Barney’s actually pretty cool.  He teaches kids to have good manners, get along with each other, respect parents, be safe, have vivid imaginations – the whole bit.  So, I’m wondering if the purple dinosaur can serve as a symbol of the Holy Spirit.  (Stay with me here.)  After all, Barney could be a shortened form of the name Barnabas, which Acts 4:36 tells us means “Son of Encouragement” (Greek, paraklesis).  Jesus Himself refers to the Holy Spirit as the Encourager (or Comforter, Greek parakletos).  And the Holy Spirit does empower ethical behavior, helps us to get along with each other, and is involved in artistic creation (see Exod 31:1-3).  So, there actually are some areas of congruence.


This isn’t to say that I’d ever make the connection in Davey Will’s mind between the imaginary Barney and the very real Holy Spirit.  But I can’t wait until my little guy can understand the reality of a Friend who is always with us whenever we need Him, helps us to get along with each other, and always teaches us the right way to live.



1 comment:

  1. Okay, so i guess that blows my theory about Barney being the Antichrist out of the water....
